It was freezing out, below 0℉, -4℉ to be exact. I was exhausted, disoriented, and tired. I have been chasing this beast of my creation for 3 days without rest, I needed a good night sleep. I had came to the Artic about a week earlier, I took a boat, It was a horrible ride. I did however meet three other scientist that were on their way to the Artic too. They kept me good company. When we arrived, one of the scientist that name was stew offered to let me stay at his cabin, I accepted. I figured I better get at least one good night sleep as I knew I had a tiring journey ahead of me. That morning when I woke up, he had made some breakfast, french toast and some orange juice, it was very generous gesture, gave me a good energy boost before I head out to begin my mission. After breakfast I got my gear and equipment around and said my goodbyes and thanks to Stew for letting me stay with my final words hoping we will meet again. As soon as I stepped out the cold winds hit me, 60 MPH of pure cold breezing on my face. I yet continued on threw the first warning that I should turn back, foolish mistake. I searched around for about 3 hours with no trace, not a footprint or anything, the trail was dead, so, I decided to put camp up where I was. The next morning after the worst sleep of my night, I Woke up too a loud roar, I knew it must be him. I hopped out of my tent and got my gear on. I traveled about a mile when I came to some mountains. HE WAS THERE! I could see him, I knew I couldn't just approach him and I was too far to shoot my tranquilizer at him. I had to wait for the right moment. I sat for 2 hours and watched him so close, my eyes began to see things. I was cold and tired, I needed to act fast before night fall. I got up, and slowly approached him, I don't know how, but, he seen me, he ran up the mountain taking huge steps. By time i got to where I had no longer had sight of him, he was out of sight! Gone, once again no trace or any evidence he had ever been here. After a cold sleepless night, morning struck again like it always did, the sun came up, but it was still cold. I ran out of water in my gallon jug So I had to head over to the nearest water that wasn't frozen over with ice. You see captain, that's when I met you, I wasn't going to originally ask to board, But I was so tired and hungry, I thought I must, and that my friend is why I am here, to catch the beast that I should not have created in the first place.

Andy Schoenborn
1/21/2013 03:17:04 am

Hi Steven,

This is a great post, because you have taken on the role of Victor and really responded to the prompts in detail.


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    Write something about yourself. No need to be fancy, just an overview.


    January 2013

